Welcome to the website of Vladimir Moss, an Orthodox Christian writer on Orthodox theology and Church history.
Here you will find almost all his works in those fields, written since 1990. Also here are the works of his wife, Olga Moss. Readers can download what they want, and quote any passages from any book or article provided the source is mentioned.
The raison d'être of this website is the very pressing need for educational materials in the English language that present the Orthodox Christian Faith in its most traditional, patristic form. Almost all the issues that trouble and concern Orthodox Christians today are discussed and analyzed in the books and articles on this website. Although particular emphasis has been placed on the issues facing Orthodox in the contemporary western world, much space has been devoted to the struggles of the Orthodox Churches in the traditionally Orthodox countries of Eastern Europe and the Middle East, especially the Catacomb (True Orthodox) Church of Russia.
If you have any questions or wish to make any comments (in English, French or Russian), you are encouraged to get in touch with the author at info@orthodoxchristianbooks.com.
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us! Amen.